
Directions and parking

How to get to Rosenheim

Whether you’re travelling by plane, bus, train or car, Rosenheim can be reached quickly and easily by all means of transport thanks to its excellent connections.

Travelling by car

Rosenheim is conveniently located on the A8 Munich-Salzburg and A93 Rosenheim/Inntal- Brenner motorways. The city can be accessed from the north via the B15 Landshut- Rosenheim federal road.

You can find an overview of all parking facilities in the city here:

.where to park


Charging facilities for electric vehicles

If you are on the road with an electric vehicle in Rosenheim, you can charge your car in a climate-friendly way at a multitude of public charging stations. You can find an overview of the charging stations here:

.where to charge


Travelling by coach

Information on how to get to Rosenheim by coach can be found here.

Travelling via public transport

Rosenheim is located at the intersection of the Munich-Salzburg and Munich-Innsbruck railway lines and is at the heart of an excellent network of national and regional connections (ICE, EC, IC and regional trains).

Arrival and departure times can be found on the website of the German train operator Deutsche Bahn (DB).

Travelling by plane

Rosenheim can be reached via three airports: Munich (approx. 110 km away), Salzburg (approx. 75 km) and Innsbruck (approx. 115 km).

From Munich Airport, the S8 suburban railway line runs every 20 minutes in the direction of Munich’s Ostbahnhof station (journey time: approx. 30 minutes). The onward journey by train in the direction of Rosenheim also takes approximately 30 minutes.

Salzburg and Innsbruck Airports are connected via the A8 and A93 motorways. The journey time to Rosenheim is approx. 50 minutes from Salzburg and 1 hour 30 minutes from Innsbruck.