Rosenheim City Library

Am Salzstadel 15
83022 Rosenheim
Opening hours:
Tues - Fr 10:00 - 19:00 Uhr
Sa 10:00 - 13:00 Uhr

Stadtbibliothek Rosenheim (Rosenheim City Library)

Approximately 15,000 library users make the most of the diverse offers and services provided by Rosenheim’s municipal library. For about 900 visitors every day, it offers a family and citizen-friendly setting for education, further education and leisure activities and is a special place to spend quality time. The library is open to everyone as a cultural meeting place with up-to-date and customer-oriented offers of information, media, activities and services. It is actively committed to the realisation of equal opportunities and the possibility of lifelong learning for broad sections of the population. As an extracurricular education partner, the library offers guidance in the constantly changing flood of information. Its expert staff and individual counselling provide support and assistance in concrete learning situations. With a wide range of offers and activities, Rosenheim City Library aims to convey the joy of reading to children and young people and to strengthen their media and information skills.

The reputation and success of the municipal library go beyond the local region. It repeatedly receives the German seal of quality “Libraries – Partners of Schools” and the “E.ON Bayern Children’s Library Award” for outstanding achievements.